Monday, 7 October 2013

Styles of Radio News

Styles of radio-
Styles of news programming can relate to many different factors, they can relate to the target audience or a radio show or station. The language of which the broadcaster have to be adjusted so that the audience can understand everything about the stories and the reports. Styles of news broadcasts are related to audience whether it is a public service, commercial or community broadcaster. Whether it is a small scale, local, regional or a national broadcaster. Local community radio stations will often broadcast local news and stories and will be delivered in local or regional accent will help the listeners.

Related to audience-
Nearly all of radio stations that are broadcasted in a way are all related to the audience. For each and every single radio station that are broadcasted have a target audience, in which the news are also targetted at a specific audience. Capital radio, Key 103 and BBC Radio 1 are all related in terms of target audience. The age range for these radio stations vary between 16 to 25 year olds. So the news and music that are played on these radio stations are aimed at that specific target audience. In terms of news, the news that will be broadcasted will be more in their taste, something that would appeal to them. This can be from sport news and events, latest gigs, celebrity news etc. All radio stations all have a specific target audience.

Public Sevice-
A public service news report will be more for the public, it is something that they need to know for their benefit. For example, if a public service news report broke out that a plane has crashed, immediately the news will broadcast all over the country about that specific incident. They will tend to be broadcasted on TV, radio and even the internet. A main public service company will be of course, the BBC. Any news that BBC think they need to broadcast so that it might warn or benefit the public will be classed as public service news. This will vary from traffic news, breaking news, sport news etc.

In terms of commercial, the news will be more in a business way for the consumers to get attracted to. It will be news about a particular product, they tend to give you the news of the benefits and the price etc. For example, BBC could announce that  "Kanye West's Yeezus beats Jay-z's new album in sales in the first week of release . A commercial news would fall into that kind of category. Like I mentined before, a commercial news is news about a particular brand or topic that will benefit us as consumers of the product.

Community radio stations are radio stations like BBC Manchester and Capital Manchester. These radio stations would tend to broadcast only within the manchester area. They would tend to broadcast news, sport news, celebrity news etc. In terms of news, certain things would only be broadcasted to benefit the people within that area.
Small Scale-
An independant radio station like E6 Radio that is found within Eccles college is an example of an independant radio station. Within that radio station, they would broadcast small scale radio news that will only be broadcasted within the college itself. It will be mostly small news that only the students would be targetted at. For example like vouchers and competitions within the college or any other news within that college.
Local news are varies of news that are set and applied to a specific local area. Radio stations that are found in that area will broadcast local news so the public can stay up to date with the news within that specific area. For examle, if there are traffic and road delays happening within the area of salford, radio stations found within salford such as Salford Radio would broadcast it, so then the people within the area are aware of the problem.

Regional news would only be broadcasted to different regions throughout England such as the North East, North West and so on. For example when the news broke out that 'teachers go on strike in the north west'. From that headline we can see what region that news is broadcasted in and also where the incident is taking place at. Different news will effect different regions within the UK, so different radio stations will broadcast news within that specific region.
National radio in terms of news tend to broadcast news within the whole of England, with the purpose of it being national it will broadcast news that is targeted at the whole of the public of England. A national radio station will have to be BBC Radio. With it being a public service radio station they tend to broadcast news that would effect the whole of England.

Forms of Radio News

Describe the following forms of radio news;

·          bulletin; A organised collection of news stories broadcast on radio or television at a regular time. Can also include elements such as sports reports, stock market information, weather reports etc. In US, more commonly called a newscast

·          headline;  A word or short phrase in large type at the top of an article designed to either summarise the news or grab the reader’s attention and make them want to read it. In broadcasting, headlines are short summaries of a few important stories that will follow in full in the bulletin. Closing headlines come at the end of a bulletin.

·          news programme; During any radio show that is broadcasted live for us listeners to hear. At the end of each hour, a news programme appears for us listeners. They tend to be current and latest news happening locally or around the world. They tend to be about 5 to 10 minutes long, depending on the news. For example, if a breaking news occured we can expect the news programme to be on for longer.

·          copy only; Copy in terms of radio would mean a written material specifically made for publication. In terms of broadcasting, this will be called a script. A script is used to help broadcasters deliver a certain subject.

·          with audio clips; Audio clips are used within the news. An interview clip of a person will be used to be expanded by the news reporter. Examples of this will be at sport interviews, celebrity interviews etc. Not all of the clip will be used. Only the major part of the clip, this will then be expanded.
·          voicers; A voicer can be heard from an audio report from a radio reporter. The radio reporter will tend to be at the scene of an event. We tend to see this on breaking news reports, where the radio reporter will then interview witnesses or the audience at the scene of the current event. They can always be heard at sport events where the radio reporter interview the athletes at the scene of the event. Then report it on the news hour or programme.

·          wraps; In terms of broadcasting, wraps are a summary of an evolving issue or the events that have happened during the day. They tend to be news reports that are gathered on air during the day. They tend to occur when new stories are about to be broadcasted on air.

·          live cross; Live cross is a news report that is done live, this can be within radio or television. A live cross is where the radio broadcaster would cut live to a correspondent who would be live at the scene of the event in which the correspondent will report about the event. A live cross tends to happen in breaking news, hard news, sport news etc.

    two way ; A two way in terms of radio are an interview conducted by a representer in the studio with a correspondent in the field. The presenter tends to ask queations about a specific topic to the correspondent who is at the scene of the event. The topics can vary from sport events, news events etc.